Math Preparation Hindi (2019)

3.3 (11)

Education | 6.4MB


This Application Specially Designed For Math Tricks & Shortcuts for Competitive is Also Effective To Help While Doing Math Related Problems.
Very Easy To Use
And Also Well Designed User-Friendly Interface.
Language In This Application is Hindi.
English Coming Soon
Topic Covered In
This Application
संख्या पद्धति (Number System)
वर्गमूल एवं घनमूल (Square Root And Cube Root)
प्रतिशतता ( Percentage)
साधारण एवं दशमलव भिन्न (Ordinary And Decimal Fractions)
लाभ-हानि एवं बटूठा (Profit and loss)
सरलीकरण (Simplification)
लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य एवं महत्तम समापवर्तक (L.C.M & H.C.F)
अनुपात एवं समानुपात (Ratio and Proportion)
घातांक एवं करणी (Indices & Surds)
औसत (Average)
चाल-समय एवं दूरी (Time, Speed & Distance)
काम-समय (Time & Work)
आयु सम्बन्धी प्रश्न (Age-Related)
रेलगाड़ी सम्बन्धी प्रश्न (Train Related)
नाव, नदी एवं धारा सम्बन्धी प्रश्न (Boat And Stream)
पाइप एवं टंकी पर आधारित प्रश्न (Pipe and Cistern)
मिश्रण (Mixture)
साधारण' एवं चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (Compound Interest)
क्षेत्रफल एवं आयतन (Surface Areas & Volumes)
बीजगणित (Algebra)
साझेदारी (Partnership)
मिश्र समानुपात (Compound Proportion)
घड़ी (Clock Related)
द्विघात समीकरण (Quadratic Equation)
त्रिकोणमिति (Trigonometry)
त्रिभुज (Triangle)
चतुर्भुज (Quadrilateral)
वृत्त (Circle)
बहुभुज (Polygon)
प्रिज्म एवं पिरामिड (Prism and pyramid)

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What's New Math Preparation Hindi (2019)

Fully App Changed



Version: 1.3

Requires: Android 4.0 or later


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