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SocialPlant is a social networking alternative that helps clean the planet. For every 10 users we plant 1 tree! Register for free today!
Users can add others as a freind
Follow/Unfollow users that are interesting to you!
Real-Time Newsfeed, Chat, & Notifications and Profile Updates
Users can share any public post on Socialplant
Smart Publisher auto-scrap (Music, Videos, Links)
YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Users can share links from these media
Get notifications (red notification with counter) from other users when they: Like, Share, Comment, or @mention you
Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages
Users can change thier privacy settings anytime
#hashtags in posts, comments and chat conversations
User can mention thier friends
Upload images and have them displayed as a gallery.
Stay in touch with the group members and share stories with them.
User now can create pages for their business, entertainment page etc.
Smiles / Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat.
Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.
Awesome Profile with Covers and Avatars for user/page/group profiles
Now Users and Pages support verify badges
Live search for #hashtags, posts, pages and groups
Retina Display Ready Responsive Design
Friend suggestions (for new users), Pages to like, Groups to join etc.
➡️➡️➡️ Https:// ⬅️⬅️⬅️

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What's New SocialPlant

Hello guys! We have been improving little things within our app to insure the best possible experience. Be sure to pick up the garbage you drop ♻️



Version: 1.0.8

Requires: Android 4.1 or later


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