S.I/S.U CalculatorBiochemistry

4.75 (15)

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Convert 29 different Biochemical values like Glucose, Cholesterol, Bilirubin (mmol/liter) from
Standard International SI Units to and from Conventional Units or Standard Units or Common units or Gravimetric unit or Traditional Units(milligram/deciliter mg/dl). This is a daily task of Diabetics, Biochemists etc.
S.I is used by most labs in countries like Middle east, UK, Canada while Traditional Units is used by Labs located in India and USA.
App also provides tentative normal value of analyte, but are only suggestive. In addition this app now has a module to allow calculation of Molecular weight
and provides tables and notes on conversions.
International System of Units (SI Units) is SI units for the clinical laboratory:
uses mole and liter units to express concentration. Value that are same in both systems are obviously EXCLUDED like E.S.R and R.B.C count.
Please note---Caution:Substantial variation exists in the ranges quoted as “normal” and may vary depending on the assay used by different laboratories and different countries. Always consult a your doctor or Laboratory before embarking on a treatment.

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Requires: Android 2.1 or later



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