Frequent Flyer Tracker

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Travel & Local | 4.6MB


Keep track of all of your frequent flyer numbers in one place. Don't spend time searching through multiple apps to find the number you need quickly. Don't miss out on free miles because you forgot your frequent flyer number.
Keep track of the number of miles or points you have with each program as well as your status with each program.
Each airline has its website, phone number and Twitter handle listed in the app, allowing you to quickly get in touch with the airline if needed.
Supports over 20 airlines with more to come soon. Easily request more airlines from within the app.
Internet: Required for ads
Network State: Checks network states for ads

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What's New Frequent Flyer Tracker

Added ability to keep track of points and status for each program.
Added Air China, Air India and ANA by request.
Clean up of detail view.



Version: 1.4.1

Requires: Android 4.1 or later


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