Epoch Timestamp Utility

3 (0)

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Epoch Timestamping Utility for web developers, system and database administrators, programmers and systems support technicians to easily retrieve past, present and future unix time relative to both UTC and the Android timezone in place via local shift.
Obtain unix time and date stamps easily on the move back and forth. Reference and copy resultant fields into memory for easy pasting or into new emails prior to dispatch.
1. Unix time stamp retrieval relative to both UTC (real unix time) and Android timezone (local shift)
2. Time stamping back to the epoch birth of 01/01/1970 and further back in time via significant bit ( /-)
3. Obtainable date and time from existing unix time stamps into custom format
4. Copying of fields into Android clipboard or fresh template emails for quick dispatch on the move
Epoch Time-stamp Utility for Android smart phones, thoroughly tested and guaranteed accuracy as with all Nullox software.

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Version: 1.0

Requires: Android 0 or later


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