App Favorites

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App Favorite apps installed on your smartphone can be pinned to the top notification bar and run immediately.
Don't find the apps you use every time, try your favorites.
1. Run apps registered on top notification bar (up to 5)
2. Manage apps as a group (up to 2)
3. Auto-populated with the phone number you set when you ran the phone app
4. Launch browser app with registered URL
Premium features provided when you make an in-app payment:
1. Full Screen, Bottom Remove Ads (Change Quick Group)
2. Unlimited group generation
3. Schedule functionality automatically changes to groups set in the desired day and time zone (08:00 ~ 08:50 driving schedule,
09:00 ~ 18:00 work schedule)

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الإصدار: 1.34

نظام الأندرويد المتوافق: Android 4.4 or later



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