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تفاصيل التطبيق

A powerful notepad app to keep what matters.
Take notes, write down your ideas and thoughts, collect things to remember. KeepIt is your powerful personal notepad to collect all the small pieces of information during a day:
1. Ideas
2. Thoughts
3. Notes
4. Links
5. Checklists
6. Photos - e.g. from the opening hours on a shop door
7. Attach documents e.g. .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .txt, ...
8. Copied parts from websites, articles
9. Ideas for presents
10. Reminder to recommend KeepIt notepad :-)
11. Whatever comes to your mind
Stay organized by using your own labels, favorites, colors and an archive. Find quickly what you are looking for with full text search and enrich your notes by attaching photos and documents.
Don't forget anything: Set a reminder and alarm to any note.
Protect your data by password.
KeepIt notepad takes care of your privacy. KeepIt has been developed entirely in Switzerland and only uses standard Android SDK elements.
KeepIt notepad does only need a few permissions on your device and does not access your private data:
- Allow read/write permission on your external storage (SD card) - only in the private KeepIt app folder
- Wake up and detect reboot for alarm notifications
Keywords: Notes, Notepad, Notebook, Notizen, Notizbuch
Contact: Please contact me by email if you have ideas, feedback or problems:

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ما هو جديد KeepIt

Version, compatibility improvement for Android O.




نظام الأندرويد المتوافق: Android 4.0.3 or later



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