Photo Downloader For Instagram

Aaqib de Barabba | Jul 26, 2017


The official Instagram app doesn’t let you download other people’s posts, though this isn’t the case with your own Stories. But luckily there are quite a few third-party apps that let you save other people’s images and video clips. We have been focused on saving photos from instagram for so long and invested heavily. New things often cause a sensation, this product is no exception. If you are obsessed or interested in this field, you just can not miss this significant info. Just continue reading. Of all the ones we’ve tried, we stuck it out with Save Instagram Videos & images as it lets you do this task easily, not to mention recording the Live broadcasts recently uploaded by people you follow.


The app requires no prior registration and lets you log straight in with your Instagram Android details. It shows all the info from your account without ever requiring you to open the Instagram app itself – just as if it were an unofficial client. When you log in you’ll see a list of all the recently published Stories from people you follow. Tap one of them to see a set of icons at the bottom of the screen, among which are the ones you use to save a picture or video locally.



You’ll have access to a folder including the Stories in a pull-out menu on the left within the app itself, though folders are generated for each contact and will appear instantly in your gallery apps. If you want to search for Live Streams instead of Stories, you simply have to access that section at the bottom of the apps’s home tab.This idea has come out for a long time, and now finally makes it come true. The new features will continue to spread to our lives in the near future.



There is another thing needing to be mentioned.If what you’re looking for is to download your friends’ normal posts there are lots of tools for that purpose, among them Save From Instagram , though it’s rather more clunky to use and involves copying and pasting URLs from the official Instagram app.Data shows that someone has made this try in the pass time. This new thing is not only showed in this field, we can see the updates of Instagram  from other fields as well.New information of Instagram will continue to be released. Keep an eye on our site and get the real-time updates and other latest information.