Snapchat tries to bridge the gap with Instagram with new features

Aaqib de Barabba | Jul 18, 2017


The appearance of Instagram Stories has massively shaken the world of social networks. One app in particular has suffered severe damage: Snapchat has been bleeding users every single day that’s passed since Instagram nicked the innovation that had made Snapchat the disappearing content app par excellence. In an attempt to rebound, Snapchat has just rolled out a handful of novelties that it hopes will help close the gap now yawning between itself and its competitors. This an excellent thing for their fans, which means that they can experience the new feature of screenshot snapchat app in the near future. Moreover, this new feature will certainly bring new changes to our lives. It can not exactly know what this change is for now, but the time will tell.        



It’s now possible to share links in your snaps

Many people start using this product from an early time and learn about most of its features. This new updates still catches up public’s eyes and causes a great concern. One of the most asked-for features among users is the ability to add links to each snap, and it’s finally possible with this new update. Paperclip is the name given to this new functionality that lets you add a link to any snap you take just by selecting the paperclip icon at the right.

We also found this interesting thing. If you get one of these new snaps just swipe upward to open the link, just like in Instagram Stories. The good thing about all this is that you don’t have to worry about unreliable web links as it uses Google’s secure browsing service.


More new customization options: stamps and voice filters

Snapchat’s great virtue over the competition is that it tries to innovate and add features no other apps have. This time they’ve added a couple new customization options for your snaps to keep making the experience as fun as possible: background stamps and several different voice filters. The first one is called backdrops and they let you add something like wallpapers to your images of videos. Just ‘crop’ out the objects you don’t want them to cover over and the app does the rest. Obviously they’ve also announced that more and more would come out all the time, like with the glasses and the geolocation stickers. The new feature is closer to the user’s daily need and public’s lives. In recent years, some products similar to snapchat app continue to appear. The new thoughts will expended to other areas for better public’s service.


Voice filters are another interesting development – they let you change your voice in the most farfetched ways, making it get lower or higher pitched, or even robotized. Just tap the speaker icon and try the different available voices once you’ve recorded a video. It remains to be seen how long it will take Instagram to snatch up some of these features for itself. More data and information of screenshot app for snapchat can be found in the recent posts. New information will continue to be released. Keep an eye on our site and get the real-time updates and other latest information.