Full Body Sport Massages And Anatomy Physiology

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Total Body massage is a full body massage program that will make your(or your partner) body more happy than ever! From head to toe, your body will feel as new.
A lot of great video tutorials about every step of the full body massage.
BONUS: We have added a tons of great articles about the benefits and tutorials for new massage techniques.
Recent changes:
Bonus new material:
*Tons of great articles
*Learn about the benefits
*New massage techniques!
- Swedish Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Trigger Point Massage
- Sports Massage
- Pregnancy Massage
- Aromatherapy Massage
- Hot Stone Massage
- Foot Reflexology
- Shiatsu
- Thai Massage
The Massage Therapy Videos app has many massage styles including: Massage At Home, Aromatherapy Massage, Acupressure Massage, Bamboo Massage, Hands Massage, Aqua Massage, Foot and leg Massage, Anma Massage, Mat Massage, Sport Massage Therapy, Japanese - Shiatsu Massage, Hand and Fingers Massage, Lower Back Massage and Pregnancy Massage.
New added :
Respiratory System – Allows gas exchange between cells and the environment. Includes trachea and lungs.
Digestive System/Excretory System – Ingests food and breaks it down into usable nutrients. Excretes solid waste products. Includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
Cardiovascular/Circulatory System – Moves materials between body systems, including oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products. Includes the heart, arteries, and veins.
Renal System/Urinary System – Cleans dissolved waste products from the blood and excretes them. Includes kidneys and bladder.
Endocrine System – Secrets chemical signals that allow body systems to act cooperatively sa needed. Includes hormone-producing tissues of the pineal gland and pituitary gland in the brain; the thyroid gland; the adrenal glands; the pancreas; and the ovaries and testes.
Nervous System – Allows perception, emotion, thought, and rapid response to the environment. Includes brain and nerves.
Musculoskeletal system – Allows the body to move on command.
Integumentary System/Exocrine System – Covers the body and regulates its exchange with the outside world. Includes skin, hair, nails, sweat, and other glands which secrete substances onto the skin.
Lymphatic System/Immune System – Fights infection. Includes lymphatic vessels which permeate the body.
Reproductive System – Allows the production of offspring. Includes ovaries, uterus, mammary glands (breasts), penis, and testes.
Special Senses.
Blood Anatomy and Physiology
Pijat Seluruh Tubuh adalah program pijat seluruh tubuh yang akan membuat tubuh Anda (atau pasangan) lebih bahagia dari sebelumnya! Dari kepala hingga kaki, tubuh Anda akan terasa seperti baru.
Banyak tutorial video hebat tentang setiap langkah pijatan seluruh tubuh.
BONUS: Kami telah menambahkan banyak artikel bagus tentang manfaat dan tutorial untuk teknik pijat baru.
Perubahan terbaru:
Bonus materi baru:
* Banyak artikel bagus
* Pelajari tentang manfaatnya
* Teknik pijat baru!
- Pijat Swedia
- Pijat Jaringan Dalam
- Pijat Pemicu Titik
- Pijat Olahraga
- Pijat Kehamilan
- Pijat aromaterapi
- Pijat Batu Panas
- Pijat Refleksi Kaki
- Shiatsu
- Pijat ala Thailand
Aplikasi Video Terapi Pijat memiliki banyak gaya pijat termasuk: Pijat Di Rumah, Pijat Aromaterapi, Pijat Akupresur, Pijat Bambu, Pijat Tangan, Pijat Aqua, Pijat Kaki dan Kaki, Pijat Anma, Pijat Mat, Terapi Pijat Olahraga, Pijat Shiatsu Jepang, Pijat Tangan dan Jari, Pijat Punggung bawah dan Pijat Kehamilan.
Baru ditambahkan:
Sistem Pernafasan - Memungkinkan pertukaran gas antara sel dan lingkungan. Termasuk trakea dan paru-paru.
Sistem Pencernaan / Sistem Ekskresi - Menelan makanan dan memecahnya menjadi nutrisi yang dapat digunakan. Mengosongkan produk limbah padat. Termasuk mulut, kerongkongan, lambung, dan usus.
Sistem Kardiovaskular / Peredaran Darah - Memindahkan bahan di antara sistem tubuh, termasuk oksigen, nutrisi, hormon, dan produk limbah. Termasuk jantung, arteri, dan pembuluh darah.
Sistem Ginjal / Sistem Urin - Membersihkan produk limbah yang larut dari darah dan mengeluarkannya. Termasuk ginjal dan kandung kemih.
Sistem Endokrin - Rahasia sinyal kimia yang memungkinkan sistem tubuh untuk bertindak kooperatif yang diperlukan. Termasuk jaringan penghasil hormon kelenjar pineal dan kelenjar pituitari di otak; kelenjar tiroid; kelenjar adrenal; pankreas; dan ovarium dan testis.
Sistem Saraf - Memungkinkan persepsi, emosi, pikiran, dan respons cepat terhadap lingkungan. Termasuk otak dan saraf.
Sistem muskuloskeletal - Memungkinkan tubuh bergerak sesuai perintah.
Integumentary System / Exocrine System - Meliputi tubuh dan mengatur pertukarannya dengan dunia luar. Termasuk kulit, rambut, kuku, keringat, dan kelenjar lain yang mengeluarkan zat ke kulit.
Sistem Limfatik / Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh - Memerangi infeksi. Termasuk pembuluh limfatik yang meresap ke dalam tubuh.
Sistem Reproduksi - Memungkinkan produksi keturunan. Termasuk ovarium, uterus, kelenjar susu (payudara), penis, dan testis.
Indra khusus.
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Darah

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Versi: 1.0.4

Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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