Mandsaur News

3 (11)

Berita & Majalah | 5.9MB


Mandsaur News is a News Portal (as well as it gives the whole coverage) which covers the latest news of Mandsaur District.
You'll get the coverage of each and every area of Mandsaur District in a structured way.
You'll get the more detailed coverage on our website
This version of "Mandsaur News" is completely free of charge for users. To continue provide more and more Apps like this we made this App, Ad Supported.
Sutantu Solutions is a India based Software Company and we love to build Software Projects, Web Applications and Android Apps. Kindly visit our website @
We are very thankful to "Ad Concept", Neemuch (India) who are handling our complete Sales, Marketing & Distribution for all our Software, Web Applications, Websites and Mobile Apps. Kindly visit their website @
Please don't forget to rate this App, and we appreciate your reviews and comments.
Mandsaur News adalah Portal Berita (serta memberikan cakupan seluruh) yang meliputi berita terbaru dari Mandsaur District.
Anda akan mendapatkan cakupan masing-masing dan setiap bidang Mandsaur Kabupaten dalam cara yang terstruktur.
Anda akan mendapatkan cakupan yang lebih rinci di website kami
Versi "Mandsaur Berita" adalah benar-benar gratis untuk pengguna. Untuk melanjutkan menyediakan lebih banyak dan lebih Apps seperti ini kita membuat ini App, Ad didukung.
Sutantu Solusi adalah Perusahaan Software berbasis India dan kami senang untuk membangun Proyek Software, Aplikasi Web dan Android Apps. Silakan kunjungi website kami @
Kami sangat berterima kasih kepada "Ad Concept", Neemuch (India) yang menangani Penjualan lengkap kami, Pemasaran & Distribusi untuk semua Software kami, Aplikasi Web, Website dan Mobile Apps. Silakan kunjungi website mereka @
Jangan lupa untuk menilai App ini, dan kami menghargai ulasan dan komentar Anda.

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Yang Terbaru Mandsaur News

Version 2.1
- Refreshed UI
- Complete Makeover
- Old versions are discarded



Versi: 2.1

Butuh: Android 5.0 or later



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