DuckDuckGo Search Engine Hits the Android Users

Aaqib de Barabba | Aug 10, 2017


Not many people know about the DuckDuckGo search engine, but bit by bit it's consolidating as a nice alternative to the main heavyweights. DuckDuckGo is currently celebrating the fact that they've hit the resounding figure of 10 billion searches since its creation. This is a respectable number indeed – especially considering it's competing with a giant like Google. But the popularity of DuckDuckGo seems to be increasing with the passage of time thanks to its main characteristic: protecting the privacy of those who use it.Local search engine delhi achieved a great success in the early time. Their growing trend is becoming more and more obvious, and will continue to go on. New features and new versions will soon be presented to us. It is good for those who are in favor of them. Continue to focus on our information.

2017 has seen a lot of changes and this trend will be continued. The official information release every day and all the information can spread in a short time through the improving technology. The biggest difference between DuckDuckGo and other search engines lies in its concern for protecting user privacy. Anonymity is extremely important on the Internet these days and DuckDuckGo knows it. Its website makes crystal clear that it neither collects information from its users nor saves search histories – it simply searches for what you type in. This user-oriented service is what's made so many people decide to check it out. In fact, some 40% of those 10 billion visits are from last year alone. And we assume those numbers will only keep growing over the coming year.The small changes we experience everyday effect our life slowly and once the time is enough, it will make great changes.

Another figure they're celebrating is their top search day: 14 million searches in 24 hours. This might not impress Google people that much, given that they manage 40,000 searches every second (3.5 billion searches a day) but for DuckDuckGo it's quite the feat. Torrent search engine app is available in many language, Hindi, English, Tamil, ect. You can expect other new release in the near future. As long as we are informed of this and have a try, we can quickly grasp this new thing.

Compare to the old version, this new update has grasped the hearts of the users, and comes out a lot of benefits. Good things need to be constantly improved, and in line with the changing times. From this humble corner of the Internet we toast their achievement and hope their growth continues in the future. To find out more about DuckDuckGo, check out our guide to this alternative search engine whose sole raison d'etre is to protect your privacy.This update exactly improves the idea, and we can believe that it will get more success in the near future. According to multiple media reports, this new product has caused a stir among its fans.The developers said that more news will be released soon.New information of mp3 search engine download will continue to be released. Keep an eye on our site and get the real-time updates and other latest information.