Gram Panchayat App in Hindi

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Gram Panchayat App in Hindi application is content all detail information for Gram Panchayat in Hindi language. Also,
you can check how much and which purpose fund and which agency all information is available in here.
Gram Panchayat app in Hindi is best app for rural area people for know there panchayat details. Users can easily know all detail information about your village schemes and all reports of your village in this app. you can see all goverment yojna easily. you can get panchayat report in your mobile by this app.
Gram Panchayat app is offline app, so you don’t require internet while using this app. Also, you can use it in tablet.
Owner of this application do not have any right on the content and images present in this application because all the content is collected from internet.

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업데이트 날짜:

현재 버전: 0.3

필요한 Android 버전: Android 4.1 or later


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