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#1 Live For ‮margatsnI

Rating: star 3.0 | Version: 2.0 | Size: 3.4MB
Live For ‮margatsnI screenshot 1 Live For ‮margatsnI screenshot 2

Instagram Live is the most ephemeral of the major Live streaming platforms
Instagram Live lets you broadcast video to your followers in real-time, but they can only watch while you’re still streaming. No replays. But you will be able to browse an algorithmically curated Explore page of the best Instagram Live videos happening right now.
And if you don’t feel like sharing a doodle and text-covered Instagram Stories post to all your followers, you’ll be able to send it as a ephemeral Direct message to just a few of your closest friends. But they can only watch it twice before it disappears.
This app is not download Instagram video, is not instagram downloader , is not save Instagram live photo, is not save Instagram stories,
After rolling out first to celebrities and then to a relative handful of regular users, Facebook's live video streaming feature is now a part of everyone's Facebook experience.
If you're ready to broadcast (and who isn't?), you select the icon and then give Facebook permission to access your camera and microphone. You only have to do this once.
Once you hit he big blue "Continue" button, you'll be asked to describe your broadcast. It's on this same screen that you choose your privacy setting: Are you sharing this with the public, or just your friends? You can even choose to share it with just yourself, but where's the fun in that?
You can shoot the video through your FaceTime or rear-facing camera and while holding your phone in portrait or landscape mode, but the video will always be square. If you shoot in portrait, live Facebook comments will appear below your video. In landscape mode, they appear on the right side.
As soon as you go live, the video feed appears in your timeline.
**This application is NOT an official app of Instagram. Our application Just Guide to help you how to use Instagram Live Video feature .
► Disclaimer:
1. This App is a PRANK
2. This app is not affiliated with Instagram.
3. This app is not affiliated with Facebook.


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