eas cipla on 9Apps

Free download latest eas cipla for Android here and enjoy it with your phone. Below you can download a list of top and latest apps related to eas cipla . 9APPS is a fast, safe app store. With 9APPS, you can save a lot of time on searching and downloading apps.

#1 Cipla Counsel

Rating: star 4.8 | Version: 1.0.1 | Size: 10.2MB
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Counsel is unique platform to provide latest updates in the field of medico legal, which is given by experts in the field. Counsel provides information about medico-legal concerns and aimed to educate and safeguard doctors’ good practice. This application is very useful for doctors and healthcare professionals.
1. Videos
Video lectures by medico-legal expert lawyers and doctors which covers variety of topics.
2. Audios
Audio lectures by medico-legal expert lawyers and doctors which covers variety of topics.
3. Counsel Connect FAQs
Frequently asked question in regards to medico-legal, across the therapy answered by medico-legal experts.
Ask your query
Now you can also ask your concerns and queries directly to the experts in this field.
You can also download checklist and specialty wise consent forms etc.
5. Counsel News
Bring the latest information and news related to medico legal field.
Counsel case of the week
Case examples with Do’s and Don’ts- compilation of landmark judgments.
6. Newsletter
Keenly summarizing the latest information, landmark judgments Do’s and Don’ts etc. Across the therapy to ensure doctors are abreast of the latest developments in medico legal field.
7. Counsel Forum
An online discussion forum which will provide a variety topics, in which participants with common interests can exchange open messages, thoughts and suggestions.
8. Must to know
Important Terminology used in MLC- It
highlights important terminology used in Medico-legal
Do’s and Don’ts
It give Do’s and Don’ts case wise
We invite you to explore new Counsel application.


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#2 CIPLA University

Rating: star 3.8 | Version: 7.4.20 | Size: 21.9MB
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Cipla University is One Cipla application that allows all Cipla employees to learn through best in class platform. The application brings learning at the fingertips by ensuring learning anytime, opportunity to connect with the leaders and peers through discussion forums and chance to compete and lead the performance through one single application on their mobile devices.


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#3 EAS

Rating: star 4.3 | Version: 3.1.0 | Size: 12.2MB
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Aplikasi evangelikal arbeitsgemeinschaft untuk dukungan prajurit (EAS) dikembangkan khusus untuk orang-orang di Bundeswehr. Ini menawarkan fungsi-fungsi berikut:
Pemberitahuan - Pemberitahuan yang andal pada kontribusi yang baru dipublikasikan, peristiwa pengujian dan solusi untuk tetap mendapat informasi tentang kegiatan EAS.
Latihan checkout dan relaksasi terutama untuk orang-orang Dalam Bundeswehr dan kerabat mereka mengembangkan latihan relaksasi dan stabilisasi mendukung koping tantangan swasta dan profesional. Apakah perjalanan impian, latihan pernapasan atau relaksasi otot progresif - mendengarkan biasa untuk membantu bersantai dan melarikan diri dari kehidupan sehari-hari untuk sesaat.
di dekatnya
Penyajian yang jelas dari respons terdekat, seperti EV. Kekuatan militer, kantor rekreasi dan perawatan, pusat perawatan keluarga atau fasilitas perawatan oasis di Jerman atau digunakan.
Solusi - Firman Tuhan untuk setiap hari
Tampilan "Persatuan Evangelis - Herrhuter Brothers"
Pusatan Teks Losage Harian dan Pelajaran Tahunan. Pada permintaan, "Firman Tuhan untuk setiap hari" secara otomatis muncul sebagai pesan push ke waktu yang memutar ulang secara individual.
Jelas presentasi dari semua peristiwa audit dengan EA termasuk orang, tempat, kontribusi sendiri dan kemungkinan pendaftaran langsung termasuk.
evangelikal arbeitsgemeinschaft untuk Prajurit (EA) telah terlibat sejak 1957 sebagai asosiasi wiraswasta dan nirlaba dalam dukungan anggota Bundeswehr dan keluarga mereka. Ini melengkapi penawaran majikan dan bekerja sama dengan jiwa-jiwa militer Protestan dan Kementerian Pertahanan Federal.
dipandu oleh penawaran Christian Charity, karir berbasis kebutuhan yang dirancang dengan ESM dari ladang pendidikan, keluarga, budaya dan olahraga, yang terbuka untuk semua Bundeswehr - terlepas dari denominasi atau peringkat militer mereka.


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#4 Cipla Health

Rating: star 3.6 | Version: 1.8 | Size: 3.8MB
Cipla Health screenshot 1 Cipla Health screenshot 2 Cipla Health screenshot 3

Cipla Health application is built for reporting and monitoring the respective employee. Main objective for this application is to gather the employee record, and hold reports from the time of the application use. The application holds work scheduled for particular sales person comprising calls and visits that has to be completed for the doctors and chemists every day where the location of the employee can also be tracked. The application hold data’s of activity report, prescriptions, maintaining the frequency of doctor visit, personal order booking (POB), sample and inputs, complete stock list that has been distributed and also the stock availability of the sales person. Application acts as a checklist that will enable the employee to complete his agenda and also schedule his work plan accordingly. However these data’s are manually fed on every frequent interval.


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Rating: star 4.5 | Version: 5.5 | Size: 5.6MB
UDAAN CIPLA GX screenshot 1 UDAAN CIPLA GX screenshot 2 UDAAN CIPLA GX screenshot 3

Field Force Automation Mobile App (UDAAN) helps sales teams and managers become more effective with technology. Sales people should be spending most of their time doing what they do best – Selling. Any time wasted in other activities leads to dilution in sales and effectiveness. Field force automation mobile app (UDAAN) automates business tasks such as automated order, tracking field force activities, On-demand Survey, Bonus offer.


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