telugu movierulz in on 9Apps

Free download latest telugu movierulz in for Android here and enjoy it with your phone. Below you can download a list of top and latest apps related to telugu movierulz in . 9APPS is a fast, safe app store. With 9APPS, you can save a lot of time on searching and downloading apps.

#1 Type in Telugu (Telugu Typing)

Rating: star 4.0 | Version: 2.1 | Size: 2.6MB
Type in Telugu (Telugu Typing) screenshot 1 Type in Telugu (Telugu Typing) screenshot 2 Type in Telugu (Telugu Typing) screenshot 3

'Type in Telugu' app converts Telugu words written in English letters into Telugu script.
If you type 'ela unnaru' it will be converted into Telugu script as ఎలా ఉన్నారు. It is an English to Telugu transliteration tool. You don't need to type exact spelling of the word like most other apps and this 'Type in Telugu' app is intelligent enough to understand what you are typing.
'Type in Telugu' app allows you to share and store the converted Telugu message using any app on your phone such as WhatsApp, SMS Messages, GMail, Saving as Documents etc. You can copy the Telugu text using 'Copy' option and paste it on any app such as Facebook, SMS, GMail, Twitter, Instagram or any app that you like.
Install the app now and start using our beautiful Telugu language to chat with your friends and your Facebook posts.
* Easy to use English to Telugu script conversion (transliteration) tool.
* You don't need to learn how to type complex combinations of Telugu letter. You can just type in English to produce the Telugu sound as per your very basic English language skills. For example 'halo ela unaru'
* You can Share the Telugu Message using WhatsApp, SMS or Gmail directly from the app using the buttons provided.
You can use 'Copy' option to share the message using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other app for that matter.
* You can Copy the Telugu text using 'Copy' button and paste it in any app such as Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Instagram or any other App you like. You can also store the message as a document on Cloud Storage apps (like GoogleDrive) or simply store on your phone.


👉 For More Detail of Type in Telugu (Telugu Typing)

#2 Telugu Jokes in Telugu

Rating: star 3.6 | Version: 1.18 | Size: 3.3MB
Telugu Jokes in Telugu screenshot 1 Telugu Jokes in Telugu screenshot 2 Telugu Jokes in Telugu screenshot 3

This apps is a collection of Telugu Jokes.
All Telugu Jokes are easy to read and understand.
Best Humorous jokes in Telugu.
You can read jokes without internet in offline mode also.
Telugu Jokes is designed with Best UI for mobiles.


👉 For More Detail of Telugu Jokes in Telugu

#3 Telugu Typing (Type in Telugu) App

Rating: star 4.3 | Version: 2.0.2 | Size: 2.1MB
Telugu Typing (Type in Telugu) App screenshot 1 Telugu Typing (Type in Telugu) App screenshot 2 Telugu Typing (Type in Telugu) App screenshot 3

Telugu Typing (Type in Telugu) app is an English to Telugu transliteration tool. Type your Telugu words in English (Ex. Namaskaram and hit/tap space button). This app automatically converts into Telugu script.
App Advantages
* Start typing immediately
* No keyboard configuration. Technical knowledge is not required
* Simply type Telugu words in English and hit/tap space button
* Easy to share messages @ WhatsApp and other apps
* Ready to Share Birthday Greetings & Text Messages
After typing your message share with WhatsApp or Copy and paste your message at your favourite Apps like... WhatsApp, GMail, Facebook, Twitter, SMS etc.,
If you like this app, give it a rating and write a good review (Top rating is 5stars).


👉 For More Detail of Telugu Typing (Type in Telugu) App

#4 GK in Telugu

Rating: star 4.2 | Version: 3.5 | Size: 9.5MB
GK in Telugu screenshot 1 GK in Telugu screenshot 2 GK in Telugu screenshot 3

This app is useful for all Telegu students. Who preparing for govt jobs that student compulsory use this application.
This app contains
3.General science
5.Model Papers


👉 For More Detail of GK in Telugu

#5 Reasoning in Telugu

Rating: star 4.2 | Version: 1.5 | Size: 3.4MB
Reasoning in Telugu screenshot 1 Reasoning in Telugu screenshot 2 Reasoning in Telugu screenshot 3

The following content is the reasoning Topics & Tests.
- Ranking
- Directions
- Blood Relations
- Missing Numbers
- Coding - Decoding
- Ages
- Analogy
- OddMan Out
- Calendar
- Clock
- Puzzles ...etc.


👉 For More Detail of Reasoning in Telugu


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