www.mpl.live install on 9Apps

Free download latest www.mpl.live install for Android here and enjoy it with your phone. Below you can download a list of top and latest apps related to www.mpl.live install . 9APPS is a fast, safe app store. With 9APPS, you can save a lot of time on searching and downloading apps.

#1 Install Manager

Rating: star 4.3 | Version: 2017.01.16 | Size: 23.0KB
Install Manager screenshot 1 Install Manager screenshot 2 Install Manager screenshot 3

* Quickly uninstall multiple packages
* Quickly install under the current user account any package that is already installed on the device, but under another user account, if your device supports this capability. If your device does not support this capability, then your system's package installer may crash when you try this, but the crash is harmless; you will still be able to install and uninstall packages as supported by your device.
Screenshots depict additional apps not included with this download.


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#2 Install Referrer

Rating: star 4.2 | Version: 1 | Size: 110.3KB
Install Referrer screenshot 1 Install Referrer screenshot 2 Install Referrer screenshot 3

Install Referrer is a tool to test the
attribute upon application installation.
You can test
attribute using these links below:
Play Store url
Market url scheme
Chrome Intent
The referrer attribute will be broadcasted by the Play Store to your app
after the first launch only
Checkout the GithHub project for more details at:


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Rating: star 5.0 | Version: 11 | Size: 35.9MB
INSTALL BOIS screenshot 1 INSTALL BOIS screenshot 2 INSTALL BOIS screenshot 3

La simplicité et la fiabilité servies sur un plateau.
La 1ère application pour revendeurs et installateurs d’appareil à bois qui permet de réaliser le dimensionnement de conduits chez ses clients.
Conçue pour les professionnels
L'application vous assiste notamment pour la visite technique préalable, la conception de l'installation, le devoir de conseil du client, et le respect des obligations fiscales.
Chez le client, immédiatement, obtenez les résultats du calcul de dimensionnement du conduit de fumée et déterminez la section mini réglementaire de l’amenée d’air comburant. Puis l'application vous suggère des améliorations.
L'application synthétise pour le client final, sur PDF, toutes les actions que le vendeur a réalisées. Elle argumente aussi sa qualification et confirme l'éligibilité au crédit d'impôt.
Documents récapitulatifs communs aux vendeurs et poseurs ; ils évitent les surprises, préparent en amont, améliorent la productivité, et éliminent les discussions.
_ _ _ _ _
Les services de l'appli génèrent plusieurs documents PDF pour chaque étude chez un client-particulier. Suivant le thème, ces PDF sont destinés au vendeur, à l'installateur, au technicien en charge de la mise en service, ou au client.
Aidez vos revendeurs à bien travailler grâce à la révolution du numérique ! Renseignez les caractéristiques et les prescriptions de mise en œuvre de vos appareils ou vos conduits de fumée grâce à un système de formulaire conçu pour vous. Les données seront automatiquement intégrées à l'application.
- Dimensionnement du conduit : Calcul de l'ensemble [conduit de fumée appareil amenée d'air] selon la norme EN 13384.
- Section mini d'amenée d’air : Détermination de la section mini réglementaire de l'amenée d'air comburant.
- Relevé technique préalable : Points de contrôle et questions à poser au client préalablement au devis, avec prises de photos du futur lieu d'installation.
- Utilisateur : Gestion de votre profil et de vos informations personnelles (bientôt disponible).
L’application fonctionne sur smartphones et tablettes, sous Android et iOS, en mode portrait. Elle est accessible partout, y compris dans les « zones blanches » de téléphonie mobile.Le service "Section mini d'amenée d'air" est accessible gratuitement pendant quelque temps pour que vous vous fassiez une idée de sa simplicité d'utilisation.
Téléchargez l'appli, renseignez votre profil et les coordonnées de votre premier client, et démarrez immédiatement votre première étude. En commandant sur ce site un forfait ou un abonnement, toutes les fonctionnalités s'offriront à vous.


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#4 iNstall

Rating: star 4.0 | Version: 1.1.8 | Size: 20.6MB
iNstall screenshot 1 iNstall screenshot 2 iNstall screenshot 3

iNstall is a marine installer’s virtual toolbox – providing instant access to many of Gemeco’s technical resources and diagnostic tools so that you can get the job done right—the first time. Marine electronics dealers and repair specialists will appreciate the ability to solve installation, wiring and product selection issues while onboard.
Whether it’s selecting the right transducer, identifying the correct tilt angle, or ordering the right cable to install the latest marine electronics, iNstall puts all the answers to your installation questions right in the palm of your hand.
Be prepared 24/7 and gain the peace of mind and confidence you need to ensure happy customers and well-equipped boats.
With iNstall, you can be sure you have all the latest specifications and installation documents everywhere you go – at the dock, on the water…and everywhere in between.
Transducer Selection: Take the guesswork out of selecting the right transducer for your application. Based on frequency, mounting, housing, and cable options, iNstall will reveal the available option(s) and give you instant access to their specifications.
Tilt Measurement: Measure the exact deadrise angle of the hull at the point where the transducer will be installed. iNstall turns your phone or tablet into a digital level, instantly displaying the most appropriate transducer selection for your specific application.
Wiring Diagrams: Instant access to the most up-to-date list of commonly used wiring diagrams for popular fishfinder and instrument manufacturers including Furuno, Northstar, Garmin, Simrad, Si-Tex, Lowrance, Raymarine, Humminbird and others.
Installation Guides: Download the most current owner’s guides and installation instructions for Airmar’s complete product line of smart sensors and transducers, including award-winning CHIRP broadband transducers.
Brochures: View and share high resolution brochures showcasing Airmar’s complete product line including advanced ultrasonic transducers, WeatherStation® Instruments and electronic sensors used for a wide variety of applications including fishing and navigation.
Mix & Match Guide: Although all Mix and Match transducers are sold with the appropriate cable needed for installation, replacements are available separately to allow transducer conversions or for replacing lost or damaged cables. This invaluable tool will identify the specific cable necessary for different brands of sounders or fishfinders.
Bottom Coverage: View the beam width specifications and resulting bottom coverage for nearly every Airmar transducer, or select your desired bottom coverage to view the required beam width. The clear visual display will simplify your calculations and instantaneously show you the results of a change in selection.
Magnetic Field: Find a location away from magnetic influences such as live wires, electrical devices or motors where you can confidently install a digital product such as an Airmar WeatherStation® Instrument, heading sensor or GPS.
Wiresizer: Minimum recommended wire size is calculated for the specified circuit using ABYC (American Boat and Yacht Council) guidelines including wire ampacity.
Temp Sensor Testing: An easy-to-read visual display allows you to verify proper temperature sensor specifications by resistance or ambient temperature. A library of connector pinouts gives you instant access to the correct temperature pins in each sounder model’s connector.
EDI Test Data: Historical data taken from production Airmar test transducers lets you compare your EDI test results to those of multiple factory examples. A library of connector pinouts gives you instant access to the correct depth pins in each sounder model’s connector.
Access : Gain instant access to Gemeco’s website and customer service center via email.


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#5 Install Indian Apps (No Adds)

Rating: star 5.0 | Version: 2.0 | Size: 2.0MB
Install Indian Apps (No Adds) screenshot 1 Install Indian Apps (No Adds) screenshot 2 Install Indian Apps (No Adds) screenshot 3

We provide best Indian alternatives to popular foreign applications. In the time of border face off, economic crisis, global pandemic, there is a need to go local and be self independent. So, be a proud Indian ,support Indian developers and contribute a little in making India self sustain.


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