Deen Assalam Cover by Sabyan Offline + Lirik

3 (6)

Музыка и аудио | 7.9MB


Seluruh bumi ini akan terasa sempit
jika kita hidup tanpa toleransi
namun jika hidup dengan perasaan cinta
meski bumi sempit kita kan bahagia
Inilah Islam agama perdamaian
Itulah sepenggal lirik lagu Deen Assalam yang biki hati jadi nyaman, setelah banyaknya teror yang mengatasnamakan Islam. Padahal itu semua perbuatan orang tidak bertanggung jawab. Karena Islam itu cinta damai.
Kamu bisa mendengarkan Deen Assalam Cover by Sabyan Offline + Lirik dimana dan kapan saja tanpa kuatir kehabisan kuota internet (offline).
- Aplikasi mudah digunakan
- Terdapat Lirik
- Suara jernih
- dan masih banyak lagi.
Selamat mendengarkan, damai itu indah teman teman :)
All the earth will feel cramped
If we live without tolerance
but if you live with feelings of love
despite the narrow earth we're happy
This is Islam a religion of peace
That piece of lyrics Deen Assalam that biki heart so comfortable, after a number of terror in the name of Islam. And that all the actions of irresponsible people. Because Islam is peace.
You can listen to the Deen Assalam Cover by Sabyan Offline + Lyrics anytime and anywhere without having to worry about running low on the Internet (offline).
feature is:
- The application is easy to use
- There Lyrics
- Clear sound
- and many more.
Happy listening, peace was lovely friends :)
Thank you,

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Версия: 1.0

Требования: Android 4.0 или более поздняя


