Hacker News

3 (7)

Новости и журналы | 7.9MB


Based on the Hacker News JSON API (https://github.com/HackerNews/API)
to pull Top, Ask, Show and Job stories to your phone.
The only remote connection made by the app is to: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0
It caches the fetched items (Stories and Comments) in RAM, so previously read items
will be available without internet connection unless the application is closed.
Application theme can be easily toggled between light and dark and text size is adjustable.
Both articles and comments can be shared.
There is a "Links" screen which scrapes and displays links embedded in the comments screen.
Items are fetched lazily from the remote service on demand, mostly due to scrolling events.
Device local storage is used only for storing theme and font size settings.

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Что нового Hacker News

Fixed comments sharing button



Версия: 0.0.2

Требования: Android 4.1 или более поздняя


