Exam Prep: Railway, SSC & All Sarkari Exam Tests

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Aankalan is the most trusted exam preparation app for all Sarkari competitive exams. Build for 1.1 crore students, we offer best online mock test and exam experience for all major government exams prepared by Teachers and Coaches with 30 Experience. With various sectors such as Railways, banking, SSC, exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, GATE, CTET, RRB NTPC, RRB GROUP D, RRB JE, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SSC CPO, IBPS PO, DRDO MTS, DRMC, CIL, LIC Assistant Mains, etc., we provide the best all India Mock test environment with an end-to-end ranking model.
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Install the Aankalan app today & get the latest exam-related updates. Our exams & ranking systems are designed to build your confidence.

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Что нового Exam Prep: Railway, SSC & All Sarkari Exam Tests

New APK integrated with latest & easy payment gateway like Google pay to provide more flexiblity for new users!




Требования: Android 5.0 или более поздняя


