Rhinos Africa GoPro иконка

Rhinos Africa GoPro

1.0 for Android
5.0 | 10,000+ Количество установок

Eric Poleo

Описание для Rhinos Africa Live Wallpaper

Some India application are update now! 10,000+ users downloaded Rhinos Africa Live Wallpaper latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Many latest version apps provided on 9Apps too. This hot app was released on 2016-05-06. Be sure that you check your current app before you start a run.
1. There are five different species of rhinoceros Three are from southern Asia and two are from Africa. They are the Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Rhinoceros. 2. The name rhinoceros means ‘nose horn’ and is often shortened to rhino. It comes from the Greek words rhino (nose) and ceros (horn). 3. White rhinoceros are the second largest land mammal The white rhino is the largest rhino species and can weigh over 3500 kg (7700 lb) and is the largest land mammal after the elephant. Elephants can grow to be 7,000 kg (15,000 lb) 4. Rhinos can grow to over 6 feet tall and more than 11 feet in length. 5. Three of the five rhinoceros species are listed as being critically endangered. The Black Rhinoceros, Javan Rhinoceros and Sumatran Rhinoceros are all Critically Endangered which means they have 50% chance of becoming extinct in three generations. 6. Rhinoceros have thick, sensitive skin. Rhino skin maybe thick but it can be quite sensitive to sunburns and insect bites which is why they like wallow so much – when the mud dries it acts as protection from the sunburns and insects. 7. Relative to their large body size, rhinoceros have small brains. But this doesn’t mean they are stupid 8. Rhinoceros horns are made from a protein called keratin, the same substance that fingernails and hair are made of. The rhino’s horn is not bone and is not attached to its skull; it is also not hollow like elephant tusks. It is actually a compacted mass of hairs that continues to grow throughout the animal’s lifetime, just like our own hair and nails. The longest known on a black rhino was 4 feet 9 inches long (they average about 20 inches in length on the black rhino). 9. Some rhinos use their teeth – not their horns – for defence. When a greater one-horned rhino is threatened it slashes and gouges with its long, sharp incisors and canine teeth of its lower jaw. 10. Rhinoceros are herbivores (plant eaters). They have to eat a lot to fill their large bodies 11. A group of rhinoceros is called a ‘herd’ or a ‘crash’. 12. Despite their name, White and Black Rhinoceros are actually gray. The white rhino’s name is taken from the Afrikaans word “weit,” which means “wide” and describes its mouth. Early English settlers in South Africa misinterpreted the "weit" for "white". Black rhinos probably got their name from the dark wet mud in their wallows that made them appear black in colour. Both species are essentially gray in colour. 13. The closest living rhino “relatives” are tapirs, horses and zebras. They are part of a group of mammals called odd-toed ungulates. 14. Rhinos are speed machines They can run up to 30 – 40 miles per hour; the fastest human can run 15 miles an hour, so finding a tree to climb is a better strategy than trying to outrun a rhino! 15. Rhino pregnancies last forever Or at least it might fee like it, they are pregnant for 15-16 months! Mother rhinos are very nurturing. The young stay with them until they are approximately 3 years old. 16. Rhinos have poor eyesight, but very well-developed senses of olfaction (smell) and hearing. A rhino has difficulty detecting someone standing only a hundred feet away if the individual remains still. However, if the person makes the faintest sound or the rhino is able to smell the person, it will easily detect him, even at much greater distances. The olfactory portion is the largest area of the rhino’s brain. 17. African rhinos are a good 'home' for oxpeckers The oxpecker eats ticks and other insects that it finds on the rhino, and creates a commotion when it senses danger. This helps alert the rhino.


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    Eric Poleo
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