Telegram Apk Latest Version Updates

Shaique Rizwan | Jul 26, 2017


Telegram app is the simplest, fast & secured messaging app for all your need to communicate without even worrying about any security and it can even have synced to all of your devices too. This app got about more than a 100 million users within 2 and half years only. If you haven’t yet used or tried this app ever then you should surely need to give it a try and use it at least for once. 

But before let me tell you about some of the coolest features this simple & secured instant messaging app offers to its users.

Privacy: First of all, this app offers you privacy and take it very seriously and never ever share your data with the third parties. It even offers you secret chats options that can even be programmed to be self-destructed automatically from both the parties after a fixed time. This way you can easily share anything which you just want to be showed at that moment and deleted after a span of time.

Fun: Telegram India also got a powerful photo & video editing tool as well inside it which allows you to open any sticker/GIF to fulfil all your needs easily.

Very Powerful: Social app telegram is so powerful that you can easily create group chats with members about 5000 which surely is maximum under which large videos and documents can be easily shared so, it basically is the perfect tool for your online hosting communities and coordination in your teamwork.


No Limit: You can easily share many files and media using telegram without any limit on their size as well as type of document you are sending. The best part is that your whole chat will not be going to save on your internal storage rather it will be saved on Telegram cloud securely as long as you want it to be.

Synchronisation: You know that you can easily access all your messages from all of your devices whether it be pc or mobile. Means you start something typing on your mobile and you can easily continue that only on your PC as well. 


Simple: Telegram messaging app is very simple that anyone can easily understand all of its functions easily without getting headache in learning about using the features of this application.

Free with No Ads: Lastly this instant messaging application is all free without any membership fee or cost and will always be free forever without any seller advertisements in order to give its users maximum satisfaction and enjoyment.