Best Free Android Games Of 2017-Part One

Xavier | Nov 12, 2017

Here's our roundup of the very best free Android games available in the 9Apps right now.All the game talked about can be downloaded in 9Apps for free.Have some time to kill and only your trusty Android phone to keep you company? Take a gander at some of the most exciting,engaging, and free games that you can download from the 9Apps. We have a healthy mix including shooters, puzzle games, racing, and lots more.If you're itching for something new and you're able to stomach a few in-app purchase prompts, read on!

Stranger Things: The Game
Ostensibly a marketing tool for the second season of the Netflix series, Stranger Things: The Game is a surprisingly great game.All the characters, settings, and themes from the source material are converted into a pixel-retro action adventure game similar in gameplay style to the Adventures of Zelda.
There's a full story to unfold as you start out controlling Hawkins Police Chief Jim Hopper, as he receives a late-night call about four missing children and heads out to investigate. Where other 2D adventure games try and use a digital d-pad for control,Stranger Things uses a simple tap control system that really works well. The game is a good mix of puzzle-solving and action,with characters to unlock and add to your party. There's a surprising amount of depth to this game and everything feels complete for a free game.

It's nice to see Netflix publishing games based on its intellectual properties, and they deserve full credit along with the
developers at BonusXP Inc. for going above and beyond here. This game could have been filled with ads, in-app purchases as is
the trend with other free mobile games — but it's not. It's a standout game that just happens to double as a playable ad for a
TV show.

Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go Is easily the hottest and most hyped game of the year, so chances are you're already out there exploring your city
and attempting to catch 'em all.
If you've been living under a rock, Pokémon Go is a game developed by Niantic that lets you find and catch Pokémon all around you using augmented-reality. It's based on the Ingress platform, Niantic's first breakthrough game (which,
coincidentally, was previously featured on this very list), Pokémon Go is built on a nearly identical game engine. It forces you to
get out and explore your neighborhood as you search for wild Pokémon to catch and PokéStops to stock up on crucial items
like Pokéballs.

Once your trainer reaches Level 5, Gyms are opened up to you and you're able to join one of three teams — Valor (red), Mystic (blue) or Instinct (yellow) — which is when the game really ramps up and turns into a truly social experience. Meet up with your friends and search for some rarer Pokémon, or team up to take down an enemy-controlled PokéGym.Pokémon Go has quickly become a cultural phenomenon, so don't miss out!

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games have been blowing up the PC gaming world recent years — think League of
Legends or DOTA2. If you're looking for a quality MOBA game for your mobile device, one game has risen to the top:

This game is the complete package, featuring all the frantic MOBA action fans of the genre have come to expect — jump into a
quick match with random teammates and opponents, create your own party of friends and take on all comers, or chill offline
and practice your strategies against bots. There are five hero classes featuring a total of 25 unique heroes to unlock, upgrade
and take into battle. The touch controls are smooth and easy to pick up, so you'll be able to jump right into the heat of the
battle instantly. As you fight your way down the lane, there's a significant upgrade system that branches out, allowing you to
react and counter your enemies more effectively.

If you're new to the MOBA genre, no worries! After introducing you to the gameplay fundamentals on first launch, Vainglory
also features the Academy, an extensive tutorial section that will help you bolster your skills and abilities in the game. There's
also a ton of things to unlock, live events to participate in, and a bustling online community on Twitch, Jump in!

Vainglory is a free download in the 9Apps with optional in-app purchases available.

Asphalt 8

Asphalt 8: Airborne is easily one of the top racing games on mobile right now. It skips all pretensions of realism and provides
an over-the-top, high-octane experience with all the fixings. Players can work their way through career mode, can unlock new
rides, can upgrade the ones they have, or can take the competition online in multiplayer. The usual race modes are there, plus a
new Infected mode where players have to tag other racers before succumbing to an explosive virus.

The incredibly polished graphics and outstanding soundtrack make Asphalt 8 an adrenaline trip you won't soon forget.